Thoughts Of An Intelligent Blonde

I, the one and only Intelligent Blonde, am here to help! Myself and the Intelligent Blonde Research Team have been working day and night to gather, sort and publish data on the most important of subjects! Enjoy, young ones...

Exams or Coursework - The Age Old Question


Yes, it's our fault. Didn't you know? Oh yes, it always used to be exams. Sweet, revisable exams... But no, you men had to be inferior to us (as per usual) and that's why we have coursework. Of course, there are advantages to coursework, and to exams, so here are the pros (In green) and cons (In red) of each:


  • Give you a great feeling afterwards if you think you did well.
  • Revision can be fun if you do it with mates.
  • It gives you an excuse to be stressy out of people, skive off lessons if you're 'feeling faint', and beg teachers to 'Just let us have 5 minutes to revise for biology!!'.
  • You get to sit for 1 or more hours in total silence! No annoying chatty idiots to cheese you off!
  • If you're incredibly self-confident and laid back, you can sit back and laugh at those getting stressed out by exams! (Note: This is not advised by the Intelligent Blonde ® Health and Safety Team - May result in loss of friends, teeth and straight noses)
  • Revision can be incredibly dull.
  • May lead to high stress levels and all of the health issues associated with stress.
  • Sometimes you can do really badly in an exam and certain annoyingly stuck-up friends will criticise you for not revising enough, when in actual fact you did badly because your head was spinning and you felt like you were dangling upside down from the ceiling (Note: This may or may not have been written in advance for the results of some certain science exams)
  • Supposedly it's a good way of boosting your overall grade if you aren't very good at taking exams. 
  • You can get help with it. Apparently.
  • You get a reasonable amount of time to get it done. Apparently.
  • Exam stress usually doesn't follow you throughout an entire academic year. Only when you actually have exams. The average school student of coursework age will be in the process of writing roughly 2 or 3 pieces of coursework at any one time. Coursework stress is the killer of 100,000 school children every academic year. Just £200 a month can relieve a child by providing a trained monkey to write their coursework for them. These children need your help. Please send your money to 'Intelligent Blonde, 5 Snamsley Road'...
  • Sometimes your coursework is just not good enough. Exams can be retaken. Coursework can be rewritten. But that doesn't make it any less annoying.
  • Not everyone is good at getting things done on time (Note: this does not relate to this blog in any way, shape, or form.). Having five pieces of coursework hanging over you is really irritating.
  • Having coursework spread out through the year only serves to constantly cripple your social life, all year long.
So apparently there are advantages and dis-- Oh right... My point is, coursework works well for some people, but why did they bring it in for boys? I hate to generalise, but every single male is a lazy slob who never gets anything done on time. Unfortunately, being an honorary man, I am included in that. But as I have the intelligence of a woman, I'm fine with exams. Exams ftw!


Kopaka 25 October 2009 at 00:03  

You know, if I weren't a lazy slob, I'd most certainly object to at least some part of this.
No, actually, I'd object to almost all of it. However, I hate coursework (assuming that that's what we Americans refer to as "homework" and occasionally "hellspawn") so I'm willing to accept just about any argument against said work.
Although I'd disagree a bit and say that revision (making the assumption that that's what we Americans refer to as "studying for a test," often referred to as "wasting time since you're doomed anyway") is always mind-numbingly dull. ALWAYS.

Nuvuc 26 October 2009 at 15:27  

Really, I love having exams! I always find it rather amusing seeing other people frantically reaidng their old biology books and trying to memories equations when I'm just chilling out. I guess tbh one day I'm going to really trip myself up with my confidence in myself and fail something really badly but oh well!
Also: Coursework and homework are different things over here. Homework is set for every subject and is mostly just to further your learning etc, while coursework actually goes towards your overall grade in that subject. Not every subject does coursework (maths) but ones like English and history do. It'll be something like 'How is tone used to emphasise the relationships between men and women in 'A woman to her lover' by Christina Walsh and 'The Apparition' by John Donne?'. Basically an essay, in most cases.

Mike a.k.a. Lunumbra 6 November 2009 at 17:59  

*sigh* not this again...once again your outburst of feminism and misandrism is, although in some cases justified, wrong ^_^ I'm not saying that all men are better - you of all people know I'm not like that. I'm just suggesting that only percentage of men are slobby, lazy and procrasintate work so it's not in on time; the rest, like myself for example, are usually on time with things, hardworking and, god forbid, possess an intellegence that matches a women's. I have to agree on enjoying the panic of unprepared exam participants :D I was going to pick at your biased 'evaluation' of exam and coursework pros and cons but then read the bit about how you acknowledge that people prefer different ones - yourself prefering exams - so I suppose it's okay that you glorify one more than the other.

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