Thoughts Of An Intelligent Blonde

I, the one and only Intelligent Blonde, am here to help! Myself and the Intelligent Blonde Research Team have been working day and night to gather, sort and publish data on the most important of subjects! Enjoy, young ones...


Well, the simple answer is yes and no.
Some people like to participate and some people don't. I like to think that there are 3 types of participation
1. Within a large group (for example a class at school or as a member of a community)
Participating within a large group is pointless and should never be attempted for the following reasons:
  • Your opinion will never count for anything, even if it's the RIGHT opinion.
  • You will never recieve any reward for your effort - It will simply be fiiltered down the masses until all that is left is a single malteser.
  • Why would you want to bother anyway, the people you're helping are idiots!
2. Within a team
  • Participating within teams may or may not be fun, depending on whether you are appreciated or not and whether the task allocated to you, be it goalkeeping or bookkeeping or even beekeeping is enjoyable.
  • Participating within a team is more likely to get you material rewards!
  • Participating within a team requires that you at least TRY to get on with your fellow teammates - For at least 90% of the population this is incredibly difficult and it is unlikely that there will ever be a team in which there is not at least one idiot.
3. Within your circle of friends
  • Participation within your friends is probably the most common type of participation. It's fun, easy, and more often than not free!
  • You will get rewarded by doing things with your friends - The only fly in the ointment is that the reward will be something you already think you have: the best friends in the world (Actually mine are the best so yours aren't really that amazing!).
  • When you're with your friends, it's slightly more unlikely that someone will cheese you off - But remember, every group of friends has a wasp!
I personally think that there are a number of things you must consider when you are questioning whether to participate or not:
What will you get out of it?
Can someone else do it?
And finally and most important...
Will you end up so stressed out that you get chronic back pain and hypertension and spend the rest of your life on several different types of medication, only for the anger to culminate in a single, bloody chainsaw massacre?


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Enigmatic, abrasive, disconnected.
