Thoughts Of An Intelligent Blonde

I, the one and only Intelligent Blonde, am here to help! Myself and the Intelligent Blonde Research Team have been working day and night to gather, sort and publish data on the most important of subjects! Enjoy, young ones...


Evil, cute for the purposes of evil, or just cute?

I have a cat. He's called Marmalade and he's ginger and gorgeous. But he's knocking on a bit and he's starting to remind me of an old person. Sometimes a little grumpy, sometimes nice and affectionate, but it's mostly the fact that he's losing the ability to jump well.

Here he is, prowling along in the snow. He probably thinks there's some cat treats hidden in it. You might think that he looks fat because of his fur, but he is just fat. Honestly.

This is him trying to get us to feed him. When this doesn't work, he'll wrap himself around your legs. Then he'll glare at you lift one paw up (for some reason). And then he starts biting your ankles.

And sometimes, he's just in a bad mood. Of course, the camera making his eyes glow green does make him look more evil than he really is. But sometimes, you'll just be casually lying on the floor watching the telly and he'll come up to you and chew your shoulder.

Sure, he has his flaws. But really, this was just an excuse for me to post some pictures of my cat.


Kopaka 9 May 2010 at 16:16  

Hehe ^_^
I like cats...I have a dog >.>
Oh well.

Nuvuc 9 May 2010 at 17:20  

Heh. I just went downstairs to get something to eat and he's been shut inside for killing and eating a baby bird. And I spent 2 minutes watching him scratching at the cat flap :D

Anonymous 24 June 2010 at 23:45  

:) this made me smile :) Marmalade is so cute :)

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Enigmatic, abrasive, disconnected.
