Thoughts Of An Intelligent Blonde

I, the one and only Intelligent Blonde, am here to help! Myself and the Intelligent Blonde Research Team have been working day and night to gather, sort and publish data on the most important of subjects! Enjoy, young ones...

Diaries - Isn't it easier to just remember things?


I LOVE keeping diaries. Every year since 2006 I've started at least 3 new diaries. I get a new one approximately every 4 months, and on average they last about a week and half before I forget about them and give up. It's a great idea, and I love looking back through them but it's just SO MUCH WORK! You see, the problem lies within the idea of the diary itself, and I'm going to explain it to you now.

There are several forms of diary, I think:
  1. The boring, appointment type thing. Y'know, "5th May - Dentist 11:25 am"
  2. The write it all down at the end of the day. "I saw Ellie today, we had such a laugh and ate an entire tub of chocolate ice cream!"
  3. The journal. "13th September - 3:10 pm LOL a bird just flew into the window! Now there's a massive like, splat mark on it!     - 6:30 pm Dinner was really nice, we had chicken and bacon pasta bake :D     20th September - School is soooo dull..." Etc etc. Just write in it whenever you want. No rules.
  4. The one with pictures. Some people try to do a picture a day, or whatever. Some people just stick them in randomly. This can be integrated with either [2] or [3]. Obviously not [1], don't be stupid.
So here, are the problems.
  1. Do you really want to look back through your diary just to remember when you went into hospital to have that X-ray of your knee taken? Or when Uncle Martin visited before Christmas? It's just rubbish. There's no point! There's just no point. Write it on the calendar, or remember it, or keep your appointment letters handy. There's no two ways about it! JUST REMEMBER IT!
  2. This can be a bit difficult. At the end of the day, most people go to sleep. You don't think 'Oh! Before I go to sleep I must write about that beautiful tree I saw!', you think 'Teeth, check, hair, check..." etc etc. So, more often than not you just completely forget to write about stuff that happened. And then you wake up in the morning and it's all like 'Oooh, breakfast' and stuff, so you don't actually get a chance to write it until later and by then you've already forgotten what you had for dinner last night! (It was chicken pie and it was very nice) So really, unless you're very strict on yourself, you're not actually going to have anything to look back on. And if you do write every day, half of it will be 'Did nothing. Went to bed.'
  3. Okay fine, so this is mostly what I do. But really, when do you actually write about something while doing it? Really? Honestly? Quite. And you have to carry it around with you, and then it ends up looking really mank. Besides which, do you really need to know the exact minute that you decided to paint your nails lime green? I mean, okay, "3:44 am Oh my god, a plane just landed in the pond!! Calling emergency services now." is going to trigger some memories. But what about "7:29 pm Nearly the end of Have I Got News For You repeat on Dave. I'm going to brush my teeth now."? I rest my case.
  4. Pictures?! PICTURES?! I laugh in the face of your pictures. Pictures are better than 1000 words, but all of those words are synonyms for tedious. Do you really want to carry a camera around with you every day? What if more than one thing happens in a day? Words totally take up less space. Hah.
I guess that the point I'm trying to make is that if something is worth remembering, you'll probably either remember it, or put it on the calendar. Why bother remembering old stuff when new stuff is always happening? Honestly, you can live in a cave with your many diaries, or you can get out and do stuff.

I mean, I choose the cave, but still!


    Kopaka 2 May 2010 at 19:02  

    I've tried keeping a journal at several points...mostly during trips. None of them lasted longer than two days. I've always gone for type 2, and it's failed for exactly the reason you pointed out ^_^ (along with forgetting to do it).



    Also, what's "mank" mean?

    Nuvuc 8 May 2010 at 14:05  

    Haha :D
    Mank is like... Manky. Gross, dirty, like... All broken and stuff, in this context :P

    Kopaka 9 May 2010 at 16:17  

    *adds to list of British vocabulary*
    Excellent! One more word to throw into casual conversation to confuse people with! :D

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